




即効!  脈診流「子午鍼法」の臨床(日本文)






痛み・だるさ・重みなどの、慢性急性問わず偏在病症を対象とする 。





3)用鍼  先端が丸く刺さらない金の 10 番鍼 


*[1]葛野玄庵著.2009.脉診流気鍼医術‐鍼術指南極意 .ジックス出版部


症例 その1

「前屈で左腰が痛く靴下をはくことができない」45歳 男性 会社員



症例 その2

43歳 主婦 右側頭(胆経)の激痛



症例 その3

55才 会社員 右肩の衣服の着脱時の激痛(大腸経・三焦経・小腸経)       




この鍼法は 日時・年・季節から導き出す複雑な数式や時間的制約を必要としない。病症が存在する実経絡に対し拮抗する虚の経絡をとらえて補うだけの簡単明瞭な補的鍼法である。経絡の存在が実感できる即効鍼法であり十二経絡の虚 実・適応側の判定に不可欠な診断法ともなる。また片方刺し鍼法の根拠の一つでもある。  


Immediate relief of pain by new application of  the horary clock (Shigo) system (English)



To present the significant efficacy of balancing paired meridians in the horary clock system on treating pains.


Target symptoms

acute and chronic localized pain and/or heaviness.



1. The methods are described in “MYAKUSHIN (Pulse diagnosis) style KISHIN IJUTSU (Qi style acupuncture Medicine)” *

2. Needling: painless needling by contacting or non-contacting technique

3. Needle: Gold gage 10 needle with a dull tip for non-insertion technique (product of Aoki factory)


*[1]Kuzuno G. 2009. Kishin Ijutsu . Osaka: JIX Publishin 


Case 1

male, 45 year-old, 

A low back pain on the left when bending forward, with difficulty in wearing socks

Pain on the left Bladder meridian immediately improved with tonification on a pressure pain at the right LU7 (a deficient point) with a gage-10 gold needle. 


Case 2

Female, 43 year-old, housewife 

A severe right temple headache (a pain on the gallbladder meridian) 

The severe pain on the right temple (Gallbladder Meridian), indicating the existence of imbalance on the gallbladder meridian, was immediately cleared with tonification on the left HT5 with a gage-10 gold needle. At the same time, the pulse also became consolidated. 


Case 3

55 year-old

A severe pain on the right shoulder when putting on and off closes (pains on the large intestine, the triple heater, and the small intestine meridians)

The corresponding meridian to the right large intestine meridian, in terms of the clock relationship, is the left kidney meridian. The difficulty of the patient in putting on closes immediately improved with tonification on a pressure pain at the left KI6 (a deficient point) with a gage-10 gold needle. At the same time, the pulse also became consolidated. 



Each case improved immediately, which demonstrated the efficacy of utilizing Shigo-clock opposite relationships as a primary diagnostic tool. The method is simple; it only requires tonification of the deficient meridian paired with the excess meridian, in terms of the clock relationship, that has the main symptom on itself. This method does not require calculations regarding time, date, and season, and can be applied at any given times. By experiencing the effectiveness of this method, one can even be convinced of the existence of the meridian system. It can also be an essential diagnostic tool for determining the main meridian pattern out of the twelve meridians and the appropriate treatment side. It also gives one of the proofs for the effectiveness of treating only one side of the body.






にほんブログ村 健康ブログ 鍼灸(はり・きゅう)へ 



